Watch porn videos on your TV using AirPlay

With our new video player, you can enhance your viewing experience by 'AirPlaying' content from your Apple device to other supported devices.

iPhone Airplay TV Airplay
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Why use AirPlay?

There are many reasons as to why you should use AirPlay to cast Bang videos to your big screens.

True-to-life 4K picture.

With AirPlay, you'll be able to get the highest video resolution, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the fun.

Airplay 4k

Immersive sound.

You'll get high-quality audio to match your HD streaming experience with AirPlay's seamless technology.

Immersive Sound

Control everything with a tap.

When watching any Bang video, Simply tap on the AirPlay icon on your Apple device to see compatible devices.

iPhone Best Pornscene
AirPlay Mirror

With AirPlay mirroring you can share the entire Bang site on your AirPlay supporting devices.

Macbook Mirror TV Mirror Desktop

When bigger is needed, mirror it!

"Mirror" your device to get the full Bang experience! This will allow you to browse through all your Bang favorites and display your search journey, on your TV.

Ready to use AirPlay?

AirPlay is already on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, and Apple TV.

How to use airplay